Posts Hello from itlabbet

Hello from itlabbet

Welcome to

I’d been thinking about setting up a web site for a while when I stumbled upon Jekyll that seemed like a nice static web site creation tool. Curiousity about Jekyll made me just had to test it out. It turned out that Jekyll is very easy to setup and after a little bit of looking into the details I soon had a small and quite nice looking web site up and running. I found the jekyll theme chirpy and liked it immediately.

Upcoming posts

I have been developing software professionally the last 20 years and admittedly have an interest insoftware development but also cyber security. Besides this I also enjoy outdoor activities, especially hammocking and I would be suprised if I won’t write a post or two about this matter here.

If you meet me in person you might also find out that I’m a senior bragger about how big fishes I have lured up from the lakes/seas up here in Sweden even though my times at the water line are more and more rare these days. I still live under the perception that you can’t have to many rods or fishing lures.


Lets see if this renders nicely on my internet facing site but before that lets wrap it up with - it seems to be working fine on my computer.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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